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1409 Architects


goBIM on the iPad

goBIM is now running natively on the iPad. Two days of interface upgrades and enhancements, and it’s ready to go. This will be the version that goes to the app store for approval some time this week. This also marks the shift to the API based exporters so there will be new Revit exporters and a new Rhino exporter when the update to the app goes live.

Here’s a picture of goBIM running at native resolution on the iPad.

Two stars….

I received a two star review the other day in the app store. I am sad. Sad, not only because it was a less than favorable review, but because ? owing to Apple’s policies ? I can’t reach out to the user directly to figure out what I can do to make their experience better. Coming up on the release of goBIM 1.1, I want to make sure that app becomes as useful as possible. Gathering as much user feedback as possible is one means towards this end.

It sounds like the user was having problem with model size and keyboard speed, so I’m guessing they’re a first generation iPhone user, and I have to look more carefully at issues with the first gen phones. So, RJAVHH, thanks for the review, and if you’re out there, send me an email at so I can capture some of your feedback.

goBIM 1.1…Coming Soon.

I’ve finished a few new and interesting tools for version 1.1.  I’m waiting to pick up my iPad on April 3rd so I can make sure that the app works well with that device. All things going according to plan, goBIM 1.1 should be ready in early April. This will be a free update for existing goBIM owners. New features for goBIM 1.1 include:

  • Tap Tap Meausure ? Click two points to measure between them.
  • Double Tap to Zoom ? Double tapping an element zooms to frame the element in the view. This is a quick way to navigate around the model.
  • Swipe Phase ? Swipe to change phases. Allows for visualization of 4D construction.
  • Load Local Model ? On starting goBIM, the last viewed model is loaded from memory.
  • goBIM ZIP ? goBIM files are now zip compressed, resulting in files approximately 90% smaller. Less download time!
  • User Settings ? A revamped user settings screen which will present the user with a load button for each model they have loaded on their server. No more typing file names!
  • Element Data ? The element data screen will now show every parameter and its value.

Free press…

Well, the folks at Architosh got my name wrong, but I’ll take all the free press I can get :)

Still working…

Here’s a shot of the snazzy new user settings screen for the next update of goBIM, where you will be able to select your available models from a list, instead of having to type their names in every time. You just fill in the “MODELS URL:” field once, and it populates the buttons from a menu file stored on your web server.

And here’s the new goBIM icon:

…although it looks a lot snazzier once Apple applies its rounded corner, candy coating effects:

Please Update Your Revit Exporter!

I’ve been notified today of a problem with the Revit exporter involving family instances for which material properties can not be queried. This is, as best I can tell, due to a bug in the Revit API. If you have a model where elements are not showing up where they are supposed to be, i.e. they are translated/rotated incorrectly in space, or they are not showing up at all then this should fix your problem. It is wise !to download the newest version of the exporter because even if you’re not experiencing this problem now, you will in the future.

Download goBIM Revit here.

I apologize for the inconvenience.

New tools, smaller files.

Making goBIM files smaller is of primary importance for the next release. I’ve been successful at implementing zipping and unzipping code which compresses the goBIM files by approximately 90%. So, you’ll have really small files to send, which are then unzipped into memory on the phone. This will drastically reduce the download time, with only a small addition to the load times of the models because of the unzipping step. I got this idea from Autodesk’s DWF file format. Turns out the .dwf file is just a fancy .zip file. Change the “.dwf” to “.zip”, unzip it and you’ll see all the contents of the .dwf.

The most requested tool for the next release has been a measure tool. I’ve put this together as well, but it needs a bit of work. One difficult thing is how to implement a measuring tool against mesh objects. You can get the actual intersection point of your selection on the objects. That’s fast, but innacurate. You can measure between points on the closest edges to your selection, but there are an infinite number of points on a given edge. Or, you can measure between the closest vertices to your selection. This is probably what I will implement in the end, but it requires space partitioning structures that will take a couple days to get in place. Here’s a shot of the measure tool in beta.

goBIM is awesome, but I need help!

That’s OK. Everybody gets stuck sometimes. Just shoot me an email.

Or leave a comment on the feedback page.


Alright, this is too good to wait until morning. I’ve just finished reorganizing a lot of the base code for creating objects in goBIM, and I’ve decided to release it as a public API. That way, you can create your own goBIM files!

The API will come as a single .DLL which includes classes for goBIM object creation and goBIM file operations. The example file that will be included will show how to create some geometry, how to write a .gbm file and how to post those files to your FTP through code. I’ve also got a bit in there for sending email, but haven’t been able to get it to work quite right yet. Maybe I’ll tighten that up before I release this as well.

Using .mac with goBIM

A user asked whether he could use his .mac account to share his goBIM files. You can use the “Public” folder in your .mac account to do this, but you need to do a couple of things:

  • Set your .mac public folder to not have a password. Try this article. The article explains how to password protect your public folder, but you can just do it in reverse.
  • You need to use the following syntax for the “MODEL URL:” field in goBIM ? “”. Be sure to add the “-Public” after your user name.


If you select a file in .mac and select “Share File,” you’ll be able to share a download link with people by email. This link is a url with a custom share key at the end. If you choose to use sharing, just enter the entire Apple-provided sharing URL in the “MODEL URL:” field in goBIM, and leave the model name blank.

You can also cut and paste the url from the file share email that you receive into the “MODEL URL:” field in goBIM. Just double tap the link in the email, select “Copy,” then in goBIM, double click in the “MODEL URL:” field and select “Paste.”

The email link set from .mac


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